Journal of Hypertension and Renal Hemodynamics
Editors & Editorial Board: Michel S. Bourin
Dedicated to advancing Journal of Hypertension and Renal Hemodynamics through advanced research and collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches.
- List of Contents
Manuscript Formatting
Stripe Journals manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they:
- are original
- are not under consideration by any other publisher
- have not been previously published in whole or in part
- have not been previously accepted for publication
- Will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is reached regarding their publication
General instructions
The authors are encouraged to consult previous relevant publications in Stripe Journals to assist them in the preparation of the manuscript, especially the references and tables.
Text Formatting
All manuscripts should be submitted in a Word format, The Font size should be 10, standard font in Cambria typeface. They should be single columns and 1.5 spaced. Margins should be one inch (2.5 cm) at the page’s top, bottom, and sides. Manuscripts should be formatted in full justified paragraphs and headings should be left-aligned. Maths should be using math tools.
Title Page
The Title page should list the title of the article and suggestions for a short-running title of no more than 60 characters (including spaces). Also include the author’s name, affiliations, and contact details including the email address of the corresponding author. Affiliations should contain each author’s department, institution (institute, university), city, and country. The Title of the article should be clear, and concise, and highlight the research topic. It should not include rhetorical questions, literary language, quotations, and special symbols. Authors cannot change the title of their article once it is accepted for publication, apart from very minor corrections.
Authors are asked to supply a structured abstract of 250 words. For research articles, systematic reviews, and brief reports, the abstract should be structured as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Abstracts for narrative reviews, study protocols, and methodology papers are unstructured. Letters do not have an abstract.
Include up to six keywords that describe your paper for indexing and web searches of your manuscript.
Main Text
Research papers, systematic review papers, and short reports sections are Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Narrative review papers are not necessarily structured. It is suggested though to include the sections Introduction, Developments, and Conclusion. Study protocols consist of Introduction, Methods, Discussion, and Conclusions. Methodology papers should consist of an Introduction, Methodological approach, Case studies or Practical examples, Discussion, and Conclusions. Use the guidelines below to structure these sections:
- A short introduction that should end with the study’s aims. The introduction should state clearly the paper’s objective and the context of the research or analysis.
- A methods section that should describe the study design, setting, participants, measures, variables, and statistical analysis performed. This section should also include information on the study’s ethics approval. AI technology use should be described in detail (data collection, analysis, figure generation). The tool, version, and prompts should be described too.
- A results section, which should describe the study’s main findings and important aspects within the tables.
- A discussion section, which should include a discussion of the study’s main findings, comparisons with other studies, potential policy implications, and the study’s strengths and limitations.
- A conclusions section, which should be short, concise, and based on the results of the current study. General conclusions that do not stem from the manuscript’s results should be avoided.
All sources of funding for the research reported should be declared. The role of the funding body in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript should be declared. The sentence should begin: “This work was supported by”. Proposal numbers should be complete and accurate and provided in parentheses as follows: “(proposal number xxxx)”. The funding statement should only report grants awarded that are directly relevant to the study.
This section is for acknowledging individuals and institutions whose support the authors wish to mention (it is not compulsory). Please acknowledge anyone who contributed to the article who does not meet the criteria for authorship including anyone who provided professional writing services or materials. The study should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments if it was based on a pre-print, thesis, or conference proceedings. If an AI was used to support the writing of the manuscript, this should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments.
Authors’ contributions
The individual contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified in this section. Guidance and criteria for authorship can be found in our editorial policies. The authors have the option to give a brief outline of their contribution. Please use initials to refer to each author’s contribution in this section. Group authorship (for manuscripts involving a collaboration group): If you would like the names of the individual members of a collaboration Group to be searchable through their PubMed records, please ensure that the title of the collaboration Group is included on the title page and in the submission system and also include collaborating author names as the last paragraph of the “Acknowledgements” section. Please add authors in the format First Name, Middle initial(s) (optional), Last Name. You can add institution or country information for each author if you wish, but this should be consistent across all authors.
Tables, Figures, and Supplementary material
Tables and Figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript and be numbered sequentially in order of appearance in the text. However, authors should ensure that every table or figure is referred to in the body of the text. Each table or figure should be accompanied by a short, descriptive title and in the footnote should define any acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols used, statistical methods applied, and any other information needed so that the table or figure may stand alone. Superscripts used to refer to table footnotes should be lowercase alphabetical symbols. Captions should be given separately above the tables or figures. Numbers in the table should not contain commas, and numbers less than unity should have a zero in front of the decimal point. Decimal numbers should be represented with the use of a full stop. The number of actual tables (no sub-tables) that an article can contain is up to 10. However, they must be of value as determined by peer review. The content of the tables should be such that the data are of sufficient resolution for comfortable reading. Tables should be submitted in their original Word format (not via Excel), and they should be legible. Avoid using vertical rules.
Horizontal rules should be used only above and below column headings and at the bottom of the table. Do not create a table using only tabs or spaces to create columns. Tables should not duplicate material contained in the main text. The number of figures should not exceed more than 10. Figures can be submitted in greyscale, black or white, or in color as the journal is published online. Do not embed a figure file as a picture into Excel or Word but submit them as individual files. The data of figures should be attached in a Word format. Size the figure to the column or page width of the journal and set the resolution at 300 dpi or greater. Figures containing a large amount of text, particularly flow diagrams, should be sent in an editable form. Supplementary material should be submitted as a single file that includes all the supplementary material (figures, tables, questionnaires, etc.). If the authors wish to change the Supplementary file, they will need to resend it corrected, as a final version before publication. The authors should be aware that supplementary files are not proofread or corrected by our team.
These must be numbered sequentially, as they first appear in the text. They should be superscripted and where more than one reference is cited, these should be separated by a comma, for example, 1, 12, 16, while for a continuous sequence of numbers, give the first and last number of the sequence separated by a hyphen, for example, 4-7. The Reference list should thus be sequentially numbered using plain text (i.e. without the use of footnote or endnote etc). Please check the reference list and ensure that there is no duplication of references. A maximum of 36 references is suggested for research articles.
Article citations
These follow the Chicago format.
Double-blind peer-review policy
All papers submitted for publication are assessed with the mutual anonymity rule as to the names of reviewers and authors observed. Authors’ names and affiliations should not appear in the attached text/tables/figures.
Minor changes to the manuscript will only be accepted. Beyond minor corrections, there will be no author changes accepted that are outside the style of the journal. Rewording, restructuring, or changes of style to the manuscript will not be accepted. Further Print process will be updated soon.!
Special Issue
We are cordially welcome you to participate in the Special Issue for the Journal of Hypertension and Renal Hemodynamics
For more detailed information for special issue release mail us at: clara.smith@stripejournals.com
Guest Editor: Will be Updated Soon.
Theme: Will be Updated Soon.
Submission Dead Line: October 25 2024.
Email: clara.smith@stripejournals.com
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